Monday, November 19, 2012

Working Black Friday is a Bummer

Was just reading this article about how working on Black Friday totally sucks. As a former retail employee, I can confirm this to be true. The writer hits on all the key points that always made my life miserable.

  1. The store opens at some godforsaken hour - what does this mean for an employee? Well, if you're not up all night stocking the shelves with the latest door crashers, you'll have to be there at lease half an hour earlier. Then you get to wade through the line of grouchy campers who 'need' that cheap tv.
  2. People are Jerks - Yep. Total. Jerks. As if getting a deal wasn't enough, Black Friday shoppers seem to feel that they can be completely rude to staff and one another. When the inevitable happens and the bargain items run out, you're expected to stay polite while mothers turn into harpees screaming for their cheap toaster.
Now that I'm out of retail, I don't envy those people. I also do my best to avoid the rush by doing my shopping online. There are a lot of Black Friday deals at Amazon and even without the additional savings, there are usually some good deals over there.

That nonsense aside, if you're going to go out on Black Friday, please be kind to the poor employees that are stuck dealing with angry shoppers.

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